Tell 'Em Why You're Scared, Matt Damon.

We, like thousands of internet-savvy Americans found this online and watched it yesterday. We, like thousands of viral video-dependent Americans in love with Matt Damon, simply cannot stop watching it.

Pay special attention to the urgency with which he says he needs to know about the dinosaurs… “because she’s gonna have the nuclear codes.”


slb (aka Stacia L. Brown) is a writer, mother, and college instructor in Baltimore, MD. Check her out here: and here:
  • He’s so dreamy.

    But in all seriousness: if Sarah Palin thinks Moses rode a dinosaur across the Sinai desert, we’re gonna be in for a world of trouble.

  • quadmoniker

    This whole thing totally is a Disney movie. G.D. and I decided it’s called “Mommy-in-Chief.”

  • LH

    I get Damon’s point, although Medvedev is running Russia now–ostensibly at least.

    The possibility that Palin could be president should be enough to ensure that McCain doesn’t win this fall. But to the people who’d vote for her, keeping Obama out of office is at least as urgent. Scary times, indeed.

  • I want to hug Matt Damon.

    Quadmoniker, I thought it was a sitcom.

    LH, I thought Putin was still pulling the strings in Russia.

  • e.

    ha that was real talk. i, too, need to know if she believes in dinosaurs. by the way, palin was terrible on abc tonight. she needs to remember her talking points and TRY to make them out come naturally. she gets a whomp whomp for the night. matt gets a thumbs up.

  • LH

    @ cindylu: Right you are, which is why I used the term ostensibly in describing Medvedev’s leadership. I think the bigger point is that Palin would mention Putin but not Dmitri Medvedev, as I don’t think it’s because she appreciates Rusia’s political hierarchy.

    @ e.: One of Palin’s problems thus far has been her umbilical attachment to her talking points. The “thanks but no thanks” bon mot she’s recycled at least seven times in reference to the so-called bridge to nowhere is probably the best example of this, but there are others.

    Talk points work best when the speaker actually possesses a working knowledge of the subject s/he’s speaking about. Palin still has her foreign affairs training wheels on, as does John McCain.

  • LH
  • ladyfresshh

    …and now seeing a portion of her interview, it confirmably frightening. I want Matt to hold my hand.

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