These Are Not Serious People.

From Powerline:

Obama thinks he is a good talker, but he is often undisciplined when he speaks. He needs to understand that as President, his words will be scrutinized and will have impact whether he intends it or not. In this regard, President Bush is an excellent model; Obama should take a lesson from his example. Bush never gets sloppy when he is speaking publicly. He chooses his words with care and precision, which is why his style sometimes seems halting. In the eight years he has been President, it is remarkable how few gaffes or verbal blunders he has committed. If Obama doesn’t raise his standards, he will exceed Bush’s total before he is inaugurated.



Gene "G.D." Demby is the founder and editor of PostBourgie. In his day job, he blogs and reports on race and ethnicity for NPR's Code Switch team.
  • And all this time I thought Bush’s talking style was do the echoing void between his ears. I stand corrected.

  • that should read “was due to”

    oops! :-)

  • ladyfresshh

    oh…why yes…maybe we have misunderestimated…

  • Grump

    These are not serious people….but they aren’t joking either, are they?

  • What’s this guy doing writing paragraphs for the Onion?

  • verdeluz

    I didn’t know that the label “good talker” was applied to anyone over the age of three…

  • I’m with varneer. This seemed like something out of The Onion (until I checked the blog).

  • Wow, this person is insane.

  • Not serious, not joking. . . . hmm. It’s gotta be something else going on. If only I could think of the right word….